Book Astrology Session

2 Ways We Can Get Started Together...


Coaching sessions and semi-monthly Coffee & Charts astrology discussions. 

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Ongoing guidance to support decision making and taking action based on YOUR natal chart.

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Live Your North Node!

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My pattern recognition skills led me to study how the movements of the planets and celestial bodies correlate with our life experiences in repeating and predictable ways. Using everyday language, I help people appreciate the complexity and beauty of who they are and the unique way they view and experience life.


My biggest joy is using the astrological tools I have developed to help my clients understand themselves and how they connect with others in their lives. I believe that this work helps people cultivate compassion so they can move more easefully through life.


Ongoing support & guidance based on YOUR natal chart


Get the direction and context you need so that you can make decisions and take action that is aligned with your view of life and your natural gifts and talents.


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Meet Panda

Panda Hershey is a lifelong student whose love of pattern recognition has led her through careers in scientific research and institutional investing.


Following her passion and intuition even deeper, Panda is now a respected healer in the community.


She uses her training in Chinese medicine (acupressure and tui na), her yoga and tai qi practice, self-study of astrology, and love of herbal medicine to support people in their own journeys of self discovery and appreciation.

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Live Your North Node!

Stay connected to the energy of the moment. Sign up to receive my blogs by email.

We respect your privacy and never share or sell your information.