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Sep 20, 2023

Where would you be without your relationships? Pretty lonely! And actually, pretty stagnant.

Relationships expand you. They help you do things that you would never do on your own. And they can be frustrating and exciting.

When you put your heart into a relationship, there is often an expectation that the other person should meet you at the level of connection and intensity that YOU want.

And right now, with Mars in Libra, you are anything but neutral about your relationships. The challenge is that Chiron is in Aries, so you’re experiencing unintended outcomes in how you are being seen or noticed. In other words, you insist on something for the relationship and the other person may or may not pay attention.

If you can cultivate a curious attitude and some patience (for 2 months?) perhaps you’ll both find a place in the middle to meet each other.

In the meantime, keep working on your own clarity about whatever needs refining. Mercury is finishing its Virgo portal, so by the end of the month, you’ll see how far you’ve come since the beginning of August.

Watch a short animation of how the planets move over the next 2 weeks and get some Tips to Thrive for the 2 weeks ahead.

00:00 Coffee & Charts - 20 Sep 2023
00:45 Review of current energy
03:07 Planet movements with explanation
10:14 Planet movements, no explanation
10:50 2 week summary
13:22 Tips for thriving
22:08 Call summary

Did you know your patterns are your Superpowers?

Check out how you can access my new Framework for Your Full Expression training.

This training shows you the framework formed by your 14 superpowers so that your life makes sense! And once that happens, you can flow with all the changes that life brings and also understand your interactions with the people in your life.
