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Follow your fun

Jun 07, 2023

It’s time for the 2023 Half Time Show! Or maybe it’s going to feel more like summer camp!

A lot is happening over the next 2 weeks to transition us into summer camp, but if you just need ONE thing to pay attention to, it’s this: find what feels hopeful and expansive around you and then follow that..

Here are some questions to guide you:

Where do you feel like you want to show up?

Where is your presence welcome?

Where are you when you are thinking, “Wow, I could hang out here for a long time! I have something to learn here… Or I have something to cultivate here…”?

When you feel “Heck yes!!” when you answer those questions, then you’ll know you’re in the right place.

On the call I pointed out a few other things: Remember those great ideas you started the year with? You’ve got over a week to mindfully act on them before you you reflect on how those ideas are evolving. This is the Sun and then Mercury moving through the Mars portal of 8-25.5° Gemini this month.

Relax the rules with your team for the next few months and let everyone experience their own growth and fun. This is Saturn stationing retrograde at 7° Pisces on June 17. Pluto moves back into Capricorn on June 11 when the Jupiter portal opens. It may seem like the world “returns to normal” but it’s temporary so use the next 7 months wisely.

Watch a short animation of how the planets move over the next 2 weeks and receive contemplation questions to recognize how the movements impact your life.

00:00 Coffee & Charts - 7 Jun 2023

02:14 Review of current energy

04:01 Planet movements with explanation

16:33 Planet movements, no explanation

16:57 Contemplation questions

19:07 2 week summary

23:04 Tips for thriving

25:09 Call summary

If what you heard resonates with what is happening in your life, learn how you can actively work and plan with these energies over this year to live into your goals and dreams, no matter where you are at right now. The Universe is your life coach!

Reach out to me at [email protected] to learn about my offerings like the 2023 Playbook which weaves together the various “plays” so you can be on your path and live your purpose!