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You've got (hidden) talent!

Jul 17, 2024


Is it daunting to face what’s required from you to restructure your presence over the next 10 months? And yet, the last week has probably shown you that there’s no running away from it.


It’s ok. You are not alone! The good news is that you are already on the path of hope and possibility. But, it will take at least 2-3 weeks until you feel and recognize it.


The Jupiter and Mercury portals opened earlier this week just as Mars crossed over Uranus and finished moving through that portal.


Simple translation: You got a big wake-up call that you can’t keep showing up the same way you have been AND you’re in a position to do something about it.


It’s kind of like racking up that 3rd DUI the night before you go before the judge and she offers you the deal that holds you accountable while you still keep your job. A lot is on the line, but with the right attitude, you can learn new habits and routines and make it through.


The other thing you’ll want to have is a support system. These are the people who appreciate you for who you are. They won’t hesitate to compliment you when you’ve earned it and they’ll encourage you to be your best self.


I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to trust the process. You’ll put in the effort but it may be 2 or 3 weeks before you hit your stride and recognize what you are completely capable of. It’s your hidden talent that could only be revealed under these circumstances.


Since the Mercury portal is open, that means the retrograde is coming! And it is NOT here to mess up your life. These 8 weeks are all about finding and honing your hidden talent this summer.


Want to know what to do and when to do it so you get the most out of this portal? Join me in my 45-minute Mercury Masterclass: Harness the Mercury Retrograde to Hone Your Hidden Talent.


Early bird pricing is $11. Starting July 25 the price goes up to $19. Click the link to sign up.




00:00 Coffee & Charts - 17 July 2024

00:54 Review of current energy

02:40 Planet movements with explanation

15:55 Planet movements, no explanation

17:09 2 week summary

22:31 Tips for thriving

31:10 Call summary